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Diagnosis of female infertility фото 30

Diagnosis of female infertility


To develop an effective treatment algorithm, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and establish the diagnosis - the cause of non-pregnancy. A well-coordinated team of specialists from the DAHNO clinic will help you to make an accurate diagnosis and overcome the path to your dream motherhood together with you.
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What kind of research is needed?

In preparation for treatment, you will need:
- physical examination;
- laboratory and instrumental diagnostics;
- consultations of related specialists.

What congenital or acquired disorders of the reproductive system lead to infertility?

These are primarily cervical and tubal-peritoneal factors.

To perform fertilization, the sperm must enter the cervix by passing through the cervical canal. Failure to produce cervical mucus (cervical mucus) can interfere with sperm movement and be one of the causes of infertility. There can be many factors that can lead to this kind of dysfunction - hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes and disorders of the microflora.

The movement of a mature egg into the uterine cavity is carried out through the fallopian tubes. Violation of the functionality of the pipe: adhesions, narrowing, torsion, organic lesions, etc. lead to blocking of movement of an ovum, and, as a result, - to impossibility of conception. There are many reasons for such changes, among them: inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, sexually transmitted infections, abortions, endometriosis, etc.

What else reason for not getting pregnant could be?

The doctor must rule out immunological and endocrine factors.

In the immunological field, there are two possible abnormalities: a woman's body produces anti-sperm (on the partner's gametes) or anti-ovarian antibodies to their own oocytes.

Hormonal disorders in the body are the cause of disorders of various kinds, pathologies of follicle growth and ovulation, follicle luteinization syndrome and other problems. The consequences of abnormalities in this area may be the excessive presence of male hormones in women (hyperandrogenism), the onset of premature menopause, primary amenorrhea, endometriosis.

Do you need a psychologist?

Multifaceted problems of various origins in the psyche lead to disruptions in the functioning of the body on the physical level.

Unsuccessful attempts of IVF, intrauterine insemination, stimulation of folliculogenesis - require mandatory psychological rehabilitation. A perinatal psychologist is needed if infertility is observed against the background of physical reproductive health of both partners.

Why choose DAHNO? фото 64
Why choose DAHNO?
Number one in the field of infertility treatment in Ukraine
We have been implementing advanced treatment methods for 27 years
We use equipment and standards of international level
We take care of your comfort throughout the treatment period
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