The doctor has a step-by-step plan and will definitely pay attention to the parallel examination of both women and men. Infertility is not a problem for either partner. Missing pregnancy is always a common problem. Therefore, the spouses are always considered by the reproductive specialist as a paired patient. For each, a personal plan for targeted and complete diagnostics is developed. Revealing the cause is very important to determine the best way to achieve the result.
Reproductive medicine is developing rapidly. New approaches and innovative technologies which improve the chances of pregnancy for each particular couple or single woman are being introduced. Therefore, equipping of a reproductive clinic with the latest technology is not only one of the advantages, but sometimes just the need to obtain a result. The same applies to the qualifications of medical personnel and their constant improvement and the desire to learn from the experience of their colleagues in the world.
Have you ever wondered how many attempts to get pregnant have remained in vain due to incorrect diagnoses, misunderstanding or even condemnation from doctors, psychological pressure at all stages of pregnancy planning? The answer, unfortunately, is disappointing. In the issue of infertility, not only the physical well-being is important, but also the psychological state of the patients. Reproductive medicine is the most delicate area of human health care. All parts of the reproductive clinic understand with what responsibility and attention it is necessary to approach each patient. The reproductive specialist not only has experience, but also deeply deals with each story. Supports, does not give up and leads to results, having in its arsenal the latest methods of dealing with complex forms of infertility.
Also, remember that time is your enemy. Therefore, there is no need to postpone your visit to the fertility specialist. Does pregnancy not occur within a year? Sound the alarm and start the examination with the most experienced ones - at the DAHNO`s Clinic!
* To select the optimal treatment tactics and choose a package, prior consultation with a reproductive doctor is mandatory.