Preimplantation genetic diagnostics in the DAHNO clinic is carried out by two methods:
- CGH;
- if necessary, use a combination of methods.
Diagnosis is recommended for married couples with an increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with carrying the diagnosed mutations. The following cases are in the risk zone:
- mother's age exceeds 35 years;
- father's age is over 39 years;
- the father has severe disorders of spermatogenesis;
- married couple with habitual miscarriage;
- spouses with repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts.
PGD allows you to get the following benefits:
- selection and transfer to the uterus only of those embryos which do not have chromosomal abnormalities;
- reducing the risk of giving birth to a child with certain genetic defects;
- reduction of risk of miscarriage (approximately 50%);
- reduction of risk of multiple births (approximately 50%);
- increase the chance of successful implantation (approximately 10%);
- increase in chances of successful birth of the child (approximately by 15-20%).